A combination air dryer consists of a refrigerated air dryer and a desiccant air dryer designed to dehumidify compressed air.

GSA’s compressed air treating equipment turning top air quality

Auxiliary Equipment for Compressed Air Treatment

Combination Air Dryer

Combination dryer
A combination air dryer consists of a refrigerated air dryer and a desiccant air dryer designed to dehumidify compressed air. Instead of being installed individually, they are assembled to be interacted with each other, enhancing product performances and reducing energy consumption.

This high-efficiency, low-cost eco-friendly combination air dryer is designed to enhance dehumidifying performances and reduce energy consumption by supplying compressed air cooled by the refrigerated air dryer to the desiccant air dryer and reheat and supply the dehumidified compressed air.

A regular combination air dryer can be operated with a non-cycling refrigerated air dryer and a heatless or heated regenerative desiccant air dryer. To save more energy, it adopted a 2nd or 3rd-generation energy-saving refrigerated air dryer and a zero-purge desiccant air dryer, reducing energy consumption innovatively.

Operating Mechanism

How it works air dryer
  1. Flowing into the refrigerated air dryer’s 1st heat exchanger

    The high-temperature compressed air and cold outlet air are heat-exchanged, reheating outlet air while cooling inlet air.

  2. Flowing into the refrigerated air dryer’s 2nd heat exchanger

    The pre-cooled compressed air is cooled up to a dew point by a refrigerant.

  3. Flowing into the desiccant air dryer

    Produces dry compressed air (-40℃ or below), using the desiccant charged in the Adsorption tower.

  4. Flowing into the refrigerated air dryer’s 1st heat exchanger

    Flows into the refrigerated air dryer’s 1st heat exchanger; after heat-exchange with high-temperature inlet air, dry reheated air is supplied.


Automatic operation
AUTO Operation

The refrigerated air dryer is automatically run/stopped according to inlet air temperature, preventing unnecessary energy consumption.

operating costs
Saving Operating Costs

Reduces operating costs with small power consumption of the regeneration heater and small amount purge air.

Adsorbent cost
Decrease in Desiccant Costs

Reduces desiccant costs with a long replacement interval and small desiccant consumption.

Stable performance
Stable Performances

Guarantees stable dew points through combination with a refrigerated air dryer.

Certification mark