지에스에이의 가스설비 는 사용자가 원하는 순도와 필요로 하는 유량에 맞도록 최적의 설계를 거쳐 제작 됩니다.
압축공기처리와 가스발생 분야에 있어 세계 최고의 제품을 고객에게 공급하기 위하여 끊임없이 노력하겠습니다.

Nitrogen Generators
PSA type
Low(95%)~high(99.999%) purity
Max. 2000 Nm³/hr
- Variable cycle control
- Solid state controller/PLC
- Reliable valves & CMS
Basic components:
(Nitrogen generators / filters / float flow meter/pressure regulator/receiver tank)

Oxygen Generators
PSA & VSA type
90%~95% purity/ Max. 2500 Nm³/hr
- Variable cycle control
- Solid state controller /PLC
- Reliable valves & ZMS
Basic components:
(Oxygen generators/filters/float flow meter / pressure regulator / receiver tank/ air blower/vacuum pump)
What are PSA, VSA, TSA ?
PSA ( Pressure Swing Adsorption )
Product gas is separated by dropping the pressure. -
VSA ( Vacuum Swing Adsorption )
Product gas is separated by vacuum. -
TSA ( Thermal Swing Adsorption )
Product gas is separated by increasing the pressure.

PSA molecular sieves
ZMS ( Zeolite Molecular Sieve )
Product gas is separated by the difference in 평형 흡착량. -
CMS ( Carbon Molecular Sieve )
Product gas is separated by the difference in adsorption speed